Ttw interior lighting overhaul
Ttw interior lighting overhaul

What I wanted was a mod to make the game and its DLCs look photographic in its realism, while not being too heavy on the processor. As someone who both likes the original Fallout games and the outdoors, I didn't like this. De-saturation and colour filters make the game look like yellow-pee or green puke if you're in DC.

ttw interior lighting overhaul

Name: FNV Realistic Wasteland LightingAuthors: Sal203 & CamoVersion: v5.542Date: When measured against real life, Fallout New Vegas doesn't look very good out of the box. The remaining textures are original work, so make sure to credit us, Sal203 & xCamoLegend, if you use them, but no permission is necessary. If you use the cloud textures from this mod, you must credit as per their guidelines. Fallout New Vegas Interior Lighting Overhaul.Some of the current cloud textures are heavily edited from a free to use stock photo site that requires only acknowledgement for the use of its photos. I push it a little too far trying to install another texture pack and now my game just crashes just right after the obsidian logo and if it doesn't crash the animations pause on 'Please stand by' F03 but of the TTW for 40 - 50 seconds then the main page loads and now the loading screen is never ending :/ I'm getting a little closer, but was maybe thinking of trying to figure out how to structure my load order, maybe I could get them to play a bit nicer together.Author's instructionsUse whatever you want, just credit us and send us a link to the mod you make. I know its a mess, but I'm always looking to learn more, figured might as well get the thoughts of whomever sees this.

ttw interior lighting overhaul

Interior Lighting Overhaul - Ultimate Edition.esp.

ttw interior lighting overhaul

  • Return of the Enclave - Play as the Enclave.esp.
  • BraveNewWorld-ArmorReplacerChildNPCFix.esp.
  • RSO - Realistic Stealth Overhaul - NV.esp.
  • Power Armor Stats Overhaul v1.3 Lonesome Road Patch.esp.
  • The Town of Vice - A Gomorrah Overhaul.esp.
  • Character Expansions Revised - Tale of Two Wastelands.esp.

  • Ttw interior lighting overhaul